How many miles for £10 diesel in 2025?

Want to know how many miles you can get for £10 diesel in 2025 Just enter the cost per litre for diesel at your nearest station and your vehicle’s MPG figure into the diesel calculator below and you’ll get an estimate of how far you can get for £10 diesel in 2025.




Diesel Amount (Litres)


(Estimated Miles)

Don’t know your vehicle’s MPG? Use this MPG calculator to find out your vehicle’s exact miles per gallon consumption figure.

How this calculator works

This calculator provides a simple way to estimate how far your vehicle can travel with £10 of diesel. As long as you know the cost of diesel per litre and the fuel efficiency of your car, it is possible to calculate a rough estimate of the miles you will get for your money.

To work out how many litres of diesel you can buy with £10, divide 10 by the cost per litre in pence and then multiply that number by 100.

Example: If you pay 172p per litre of diesel, you can buy 10 ÷ 172 × 100 = 5.81 litres of diesel.

Once you have the number of litres, use your vehicle’s fuel efficiency (MPG) to work out how many miles you can get from it – this is done using a simple formula: MPG x Litres x 0.22.

Example: If your car gets 35 miles per gallon, you can get your mileage estimate using this formula: 35 x 5.81 x 0.22 = 44.8 miles.

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