MPG to km/l

This MPG to km/l calculator can be used to quickly convert MPG to kilometres per litre and vice versa. Enter the values you need to convert into the corresponding boxes and you will get an instant conversion.


Kilometres per Litre (km/l)


Miles per Gallon (MPG)

Need to calculate or convert other related values? See our MPG to MPL converter, MPG calculator, MPG to l/100km converter or our Litres to Miles calculator.

What is km/l?

Km/l stands for kilometres per litre. It is a measure of fuel efficiency. Km/l measures the distance that a vehicle can travel using one litre (1L) of fuel. Generally, the higher the km/l of a vehicle, the more fuel-efficient it is.

MPG to km/l formula:

To convert MPG (miles per gallon) to km/l (kilometres per litre), multiply the MPG value by 0.354006.

Example 1: If you need to convert 35MPG to km/l, the formula would be 35×0.354006 = 12.39 kml.

Example 2: If you need to convert 40MPG to km/l, the formula would be 40×0.354006 = 14.16 kml.

km/l to MPG formula:

To convert km/l (kilometres per litre) to MPG (miles per gallon), divide the km/l value by 0.354006.

Example 1: If you need to convert 12 kml to MPG, the formula would be 12÷0.354006 = 33.89 MPG.

Example 2: If you need to convert 15 kml to MPG, the formula would be 15÷0.354006 = 42.37 MPG.

MPG to km/l Conversion Table

20 MPG = 7.08 km/l35 MPG = 12.39 km/l50 MPG = 17.70 km/l
21 MPG = 7.43 km/l36 MPG = 12.74 km/l51 MPG = 18.05 km/l
22 MPG = 7.79 km/l37 MPG = 13.10 km/l52 MPG = 18.41 km/l
23 MPG = 8.14 km/l38 MPG = 13.45 km/l53 MPG = 18.76 km/l
24 MPG = 8.50 km/l39 MPG = 13.81 km/l54 MPG = 19.12 km/l
25 MPG = 8.85 km/l40 MPG = 14.16 km/l55 MPG = 19.47 km/l
26 MPG = 9.20 km/l41 MPG = 14.51 km/l56 MPG = 19.82 km/l
27 MPG = 9.56 km/l42 MPG = 14.87 km/l57 MPG = 20.18 km/l
28 MPG = 9.91 km/l43 MPG = 15.22 km/l58 MPG = 20.53 km/l
29 MPG = 10.27 km/l44 MPG = 15.58 km/l59 MPG = 20.89 km/l
30 MPG = 10.62 km/l45 MPG = 15.93 km/l60 MPG = 21.24 km/l
31 MPG = 10.97 km/l46 MPG = 16.28 km/l61 MPG = 21.59 km/l
32 MPG = 11.33 km/l47 MPG = 16.64 km/l62 MPG = 21.95 km/l
33 MPG = 11.68 km/l48 MPG = 16.99 km/l63 MPG = 22.30 km/l
34 MPG = 12.04 km/l49 MPG = 17.35 km/l64 MPG = 22.66 km/l

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