PCP Car Finance Calculator

This PCP car finance calculator can be used to estimate how much you would need to pay monthly for your Personal Contract Purchase car finance loan.

Just enter your figures into the PCP calculator and it will calculate the total loan amount, interest amount, and monthly payment amount.


Loan Amount


Total Payable


Interest Charged


Monthly Payment

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PCP Car Financing: What you need to know

If you’re considering buying a new car, you’ve probably come across the term “PCP financing.” Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) is a popular car financing option, especially for those seeking flexible terms and low monthly payments.

But what exactly is PCP financing, and how does it work? In this section, we’ll break down everything you need to know about PCP financing, including its pros and cons, real-life scenarios, and tips for negotiating the best deal.

What is PCP Financing?

Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) is a type of car financing that allows you to lease a car for a fixed period, usually between 2 to 4 years. At the end of the term, you have three options: return the car, buy it outright by paying a pre-agreed “balloon payment” or use the car’s equity towards a new PCP agreement on another vehicle.

PCP financing differs from other car financing options like Hire Purchase (HP) and Personal Loans. With HP, you pay higher monthly instalments and own the car once you’ve paid off the loan. Personal Loans require you to borrow the full amount upfront, which you then repay over a fixed term.

How Does PCP Financing Work?

Deposit Requirements

When you take out a PCP agreement, you’ll typically need to pay an initial deposit, usually between 10% and 30% of the car’s value. The higher your deposit, the lower your monthly payments will be.

Monthly Payments

Your monthly payments are calculated based on the difference between the car’s initial price and its expected value at the end of the term (Guaranteed Minimum Future Value, or GMFV). This amount is divided by the number of months in your agreement, and interest is added.

Interest Rates

Interest rates on PCP agreements vary depending on factors like your credit score, the lender, and the car model. Lower interest rates mean lower monthly payments, so it’s essential to shop around for the best deal.

Balloon Payment

At the end of the term, you can choose to buy the car by paying the GMFV, also known as the balloon payment. This amount is agreed upon at the start of the contract and reflects the car’s predicted value after depreciation.

Pros and Cons of PCP Financing


  1. Lower Monthly Payments: Since you’re only paying for depreciation, monthly payments are generally lower than other financing options.
  2. Flexibility: You have the option to return, buy, or trade in the car at the end of the term.
  3. Access to Newer Cars: Lower monthly payments make it easier to afford newer, higher-spec vehicles.
  4. Optional Maintenance Packages: Some PCP agreements include maintenance packages, covering servicing and repairs.


  1. Mileage Limits: PCP agreements usually have annual mileage limits, and exceeding these can result in costly fees.
  2. Potential for Negative Equity: If the car’s value drops significantly, you may owe more than it’s worth when trading it in.
  3. Ownership Uncertainty: Unless you pay the balloon payment, you won’t own the car at the end of the agreement.
  4. Strict Condition Requirements: The car must be returned in good condition, or you’ll face additional charges.

Real-Life Scenarios

PCP financing is suitable for:

  • Those looking for lower monthly payments and the flexibility to change cars frequently.
  • Buyers who want access to newer, more expensive vehicles without committing to full ownership.

PCP financing may not be suitable for:

  • Those who drive long distances and are likely to exceed mileage limits.
  • Buyers who plan to keep the car long-term and want full ownership.

Tips for Negotiating and What to Look Out For

  1. Shop Around: Compare PCP deals from multiple dealerships and lenders to find the best interest rates and terms.
  2. Negotiate on Price: The car’s initial price affects your monthly payments, so negotiate for a lower price before entering a PCP agreement.
  3. Consider Additional Costs: Remember to factor in insurance, maintenance, and potential excess mileage fees when calculating total costs.
  4. Read the Fine Print: Read the contract carefully for any hidden fees or charges, such as early termination penalties or admin fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I end my PCP agreement early?

Yes, you can end your PCP agreement early, but you may face early termination fees. In some cases, you’ll need to have paid at least half of the total amount owed (including the balloon payment) to voluntarily terminate the contract without additional charges.

2. What if I exceed the mileage limit?

If you exceed your annual mileage limit, you’ll be charged an excess mileage fee, usually calculated per mile. It’s crucial to accurately estimate your annual mileage when entering a PCP agreement to avoid these fees.

3. Can I modify the car during the PCP term?

You should avoid making modifications to the car during the PCP term, as this can affect its resale value and result in additional charges.

4. What happens if I miss a payment?

If you miss a PCP payment, you should contact your lender as soon as possible. They may charge late fees or repossess the car depending on the severity of the missed payments. Missing too many payments can also damage your credit score.

5. Can I transfer a PCP agreement?

In most cases, you can’t transfer or assign a PCP agreement to someone else. The only exception is when the car is being sold privately and both parties agree to assume the contract’s terms. In this situation, your lender must approve the transfer of ownership.

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