MPG Calculator

This MPG calculator will help you to easily and accurately work out your vehicle’s real miles per gallon consumption figure. Here are the step-by-step instructions you need to follow to use this MPG calculator.


(Estimated MPG)

How to work out MPG

Step 1: You’ll need a full tank to get started. When you’re ready, go to the petrol station and fill your tank all the way up. Immediately after, record your vehicle’s mileage on the odometer and enter this figure into the box labelled “Mileage 1”.

Step 2: Drive as you normally would until you need to fill up again. Try as best as you can to drive the same routes you drive on a daily basis.

Step 3: When it’s time to fill up again, record your mileage on the odometer then fill your tank all the way up. Enter this mileage figure into the box labelled “Mileage 2”.

Step 4: Record the number of litres of fuel it took to fill up then enter this number into the box labelled “Fuel bought”. After this, you will get your miles per gallon calculation.

After you’ve entered all the required figures, you’ll get your vehicle’s real MPG calculation. This real MPG figure will come in handy if you need to use a petrol cost calculator to accurately work out a journey cost.

What is MPG and how is it calculated?

MPG stands for miles per gallon and it is a measure of fuel economy. It measures how many miles a vehicle can travel on one gallon of fuel.

To calculate your miles per gallon (MPG), you will need to divide the miles driven by the amount of fuel used. The formula for calculating MPG is: miles/gallons = MPG. For example, if you travel 100 miles and use 2.5 gallons of fuel, your MPG would be 40 (100/2.5 = 40).

Are manufacturer MPG accurate?

Manufacturer MPG estimates are generally accurate, but there is some discrepancy between manufacturer-reported and actual fuel economy.

Many factors can affect fuel economy e.g driving style, vehicle maintenance, road and weather conditions, and other vehicle-specific variables.

It’s important to bear in mind that official MPG figures are only estimates and may not accurately reflect the true fuel economy of your vehicle in real-world conditions.

That said, manufacturers are required to meet certain standards and must adhere to published regulations. As a result, their MPG estimates tend to be fairly reliable.

Does MPG vary depending on the type of vehicle?

Yes, MPG does vary depending on the type of vehicle you drive.

Generally, hybrid cars have higher MPG than traditional gas-powered cars due to their efficient use of both electric power and gasoline.

Additionally, larger vehicles like trucks typically get lower MPG than smaller cars due to their heavier weight and larger engines.

What is a good MPG?

The fuel efficiency of a vehicle varies greatly depending on the type of vehicle.

Generally, a good MPG score is considered to be 45 or more for any class of vehicle.

Hatchbacks, electric cars and other small vehicles tend to offer much better economy than large SUVs or sports cars. This is because these larger vehicles typically have more powerful engines and they weigh more, which requires more fuel to move them.

What is a bad MPG?

Typically, vehicles with an MPG rating below 30 are not considered to have great fuel efficiency.

For this reason, it is important to consider the type of car you are buying and what its expected use will be.

For example, a full-size SUV or pick-up truck may have an MPG rating below 30, but that would be acceptable given their larger size and heavier payloads.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a car to use primarily for commuting, an MPG rating of 30 or above would be ideal.

MPG rating table

To help you better understand your vehicle’s fuel efficiency and how it compares to other vehicles on the road, we’ve created this MPG rating table as a reference.

Below 20 MPGVery Bad
20-29 MPGPoor
30-39 MPGFair
40-49 MPGAverage
50-59 MPGGood
Above 60 MPGExcellent
* The numbers shown in this MPG rating table are mainly for small to mid-sized cars.

What factors can affect MPG?

Factors such as the type of vehicle, driving habits, the weight of the vehicle, road conditions, and weather can all affect your MPG. Additionally, environmental factors such as altitude and air pressure will also have an impact on fuel economy.

How to improve your MPG

Improving your car’s MPG has many benefits, including saving money on fuel, reducing emissions, and decreasing your carbon footprint. Here are some simple ways to improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency:

  • Change your air filter regularly.
  • Check and top-up fluids such as engine oil, coolant and transmission fluid.
  • Keep tires properly inflated to the recommended level.
  • Remove unnecessary items from your vehicle like roof racks or cargo boxes, these produce drag while driving.
  • Reduce idling time by turning off the engine at long stops.
  • Ensure that all windows and sunroofs are closed while driving at high speeds to minimize drag caused by air resistance.
  • Replace worn-out tires with new ones when needed.
  • Make sure wheel alignment and balance are checked regularly for optimal fuel efficiency.
  • Drive at a steady speed and avoid sudden increases or decreases in speed as this reduces fuel efficiency.

Why it’s important to know your MPG

Knowing your MPG is an important component of being an informed and responsible driver. With the cost of fuel prices ever increasing, it’s crucial to understand how fuel-efficient your vehicle is.

By understanding your car’s MPG rating, you can adjust your driving habits accordingly and maximize the number of miles you get out of a tank. You can also make smart decisions when considering different makes and models of cars, by comparing fuel economy ratings.

Furthermore, understanding your MPG will help you determine how much money you are spending on fuel every mile you drive so that you can adjust your budget and plan accordingly.

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