You would like to convert UK MPG to US MPG? The calculator below is programmed to quickly convert UK MPG to US MPG and vice-versa.
Just input the figure you need to convert, the first calculator will convert UK MPG to US MPG and the second calculator will convert US MPG to UK MPG.
UK MPG to US MPG formula:
The UK MPG to US MPG formula is also very straightforward. To convert UK MPG to US MPG, you’ll need to divide the UK MPG figure by 1.20095.
Example: if you want to convert 45 miles per gallon in the UK to a US equivalent, simply divide 45 by 1.201 to get a US MPG figure of 37.47 miles per gallon.
It is important to note that these conversion formulas are approximate, and the actual figures may vary slightly depending on rounding.
US MPG to UK MPG formula:
The US Miles Per Gallon (MPG) to UK MPG formula is very simple. To convert US MPG to UK MPG, you’ll need to multiply the US MPG figure by 1.20095.
Example: if you want to convert 40 miles per gallon in the US to a UK equivalent, just multiply 40 by 1.20095 to get a UK MPG figure of 48.04 miles per gallon.
US MPG to UK MPG Conversion Table
20 US MPG = 24.02 UK MPG | 35 US MPG = 42.03 UK MPG | 50 US MPG = 60.05 UK MPG |
21 US MPG = 25.22 UK MPG | 36 US MPG = 43.23 UK MPG | 51 US MPG = 61.25 UK MPG |
22 US MPG = 26.42 UK MPG | 37 US MPG = 44.44 UK MPG | 52 US MPG = 62.45 UK MPG |
23 US MPG = 27.62 UK MPG | 38 US MPG = 45.64 UK MPG | 53 US MPG = 63.65 UK MPG |
24 US MPG = 28.82 UK MPG | 39 US MPG = 46.84 UK MPG | 54 US MPG = 64.85 UK MPG |
25 US MPG = 30.02 UK MPG | 40 US MPG = 48.04 UK MPG | 55 US MPG = 66.05 UK MPG |
26 US MPG = 31.22 UK MPG | 41 US MPG = 49.24 UK MPG | 56 US MPG = 67.25 UK MPG |
27 US MPG = 32.43 UK MPG | 42 US MPG = 50.44 UK MPG | 57 US MPG = 68.45 UK MPG |
28 US MPG = 33.63 UK MPG | 43 US MPG = 51.64 UK MPG | 58 US MPG = 69.66 UK MPG |
29 US MPG = 34.83 UK MPG | 44 US MPG = 52.84 UK MPG | 59 US MPG = 70.86 UK MPG |
30 US MPG = 36.03 UK MPG | 45 US MPG = 54.04 UK MPG | 60 US MPG = 72.06 UK MPG |
31 US MPG = 37.23 UK MPG | 46 US MPG = 55.24 UK MPG | 61 US MPG = 73.26 UK MPG |
32 US MPG = 38.43 UK MPG | 47 US MPG = 56.44 UK MPG | 60 US MPG = 74.46 UK MPG |
33 US MPG = 39.63 UK MPG | 48 US MPG = 57.65 UK MPG | 63 US MPG = 75.66 UK MPG |
34 US MPG = 40.83 UK MPG | 49 US MPG = 58.85 UK MPG | 64 US MPG = 76.86 UK MPG |